International Conference on "Rising Africa: Looking Back to Think Ahead" from 3 - 4 October 2023 at MMAJ-Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia islamia (JMI), New Delhi.
Recent Conferences
International Conference on "Rising Africa: Looking Back to Think Ahead" from 3-4 October 2023
International Webinar on May 5th 2020
Talk by President of African Development Bank at IIC organiseded by ASA/PRIASA on 1st February2013
Round Table on "China in Francophone and Anglophone Africa: Implications on India", 24th August 2012 at School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Public lecture cum discussion by Prof. Denis Venter on "The Imperatives of Democracy and Governance for African Renewal" at Conference Hall I, India International Centre on 27th January 2011 at 6:30 PM
ASA Interaction with visiting Journalist from Africa January 2011
South Africa under Globalisation: Issues in Foreign Policy and Development at New Delhi (JNU) on 11-12 Nov 2009
Asia - Sudan Internation Seminar organised in collaboration with Denmark School of International Studies at New Delhi (at IIC) on 10-11 Nov. 2009


2008 Conference Archive

  • International Conference on Africa-India Partnership in the 21st Century, organised by RIS (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), Indian Council of World Affairs in collaboration with ASA (India) on 2-3rd April 2008.
  • International Seminar  on Democratisation in Africa at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in February 2008.
  • A Special Seminar of African Division organised on Ideologies, Policies and Practices of Africanization: Impact on Migrants on Population on 21st February 2008 at 11am in Room No. 356, SIS, JNU.
  • A Seminar organised on Indian Diaspora in East Africa with Prof. Gisbert Donk, Erasmus University Rotterdan, Department of History Netherlands, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 14th January 2008 at 11am in Room No. 103, SIS, JNU.
  • A Special Seminar of Africa Division on Contemporary East African Situations, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 11th January 2008 at 11am in Room No. 356, SIS/ JNU.


Programme Announcements
ASA International Conference
CAS ASA Symposium Series